
General information

The integration allows you to work with messages from messaging apps and social networks directly in Salesforce Multichannel

How to set up the integration with Salesforce?

Step 1.​ ​Open Setup in SalesForce account

Navigate to "Apps -> App Manager" and click "New Connected App"

Step 2. Set up "New Connected App"

Fill out the fields as you see in the image below and click "Save". Use the following callback URL names:



Step 3. Open "Manage" in

Click "Manage" in the dropdown list of application on the "App Manager" page.

Step 4. Choose profiles for

Click "Manage Profiles" and select the profiles that you wish to authorize for working with

Step 5.​ ​Set up OAuth policies

On the same page click "Edit Policies" and set the following settings in OAuth policies section

Step 6. Save Consumer Key and Consumer Secret values

Return to the App Manager page and click "View" for application, then copy Consumer Key and Consumer Secret to Notepad or another application. These values will be required later.

Step 7. Choose queue that you will use for messages

In the left menu open "Users -> Queues", then click on a Queue that you will use for messages.

Step 8. Save Queue ID

Look to the browser address field in the opened window. Copy last 15 symbols of the web address that start with “00”.

Step 9. Browse to Integrations tab and click on "Add Integration" in front of Salesforce

Step 10. Insert the previously saved parameters in the matching fields

Put the following values:



Client Id

insert here Consumer Key

Client Secret

insert here Consumer Secret

Queue Id

insert here Queue Id

Click "Add Salesforce integration".

Step 11. Save generated Salesforce ID

Click "Edit" under Salesforce integration in "Integrations" tab and copy Salesforce ID to Notepad or another application.

Step 12. ​Open "Visual Pages" in Salesforce account

Go to Setup and ​navigate to "Custom Code -> Visual Pages" in the left panel.

Step 13.​ ​Fill out the fields in Page information section.

Click "New button" and ​fill out the fields as you see in the image below

Step 14. Paste the specified code in Visualforce Markup window

Clear the window Visualforce Markup and paste the following code

Replace %SERVICE_ID% with the generated Salesforce ID in at step 11

<apex:page standardController="case">
<apex:includeScript value="/support/console/42.0/integration.js"/>
html, body {
height: 100%;
padding: 0 !important;
<apex:iframe id="theIframe" height="100%"
src="​%SERVICE_ID%​&caseId={!$}&serviceUserId={!$User.Id}" scrolling="true"/>
var formatCaseNumber = function(num) {
while (num.length < 8) {
num = "0" + num;
eturn num;
} f
unction receiveMessage(event) {
if (event.origin == '') {
if ( === false) {
sforce.console.setTabTitle(formatCaseNumber('{!Case.CaseNumber}') + ' (1)');
} else if ( === true || === true) {
window.addEventListener("message", receiveMessage, false);

Then click "Save"

Step 15. Open Salesforce Cases

Step 16. Open any case and click "Edit" page in Settings

Step 17. Drag Visualforce component to the editor page

In the opened editor page select Visualforce in the left menu and drag this component to the page

Step 18.​ Set up iframe window iframe window should appear on the page. Make sure that the name «Blinger conversation» is specified in the right menu.

Enter the desired height value for the iframe in the Height field (default = 300px) and click "Save".

Step 19. ​Click "Login with Salesforce" to start using

" conversation" window should appear on the Case page.

Click "Login with Salesforce" to start working

The integration is completed!

Last updated