
How to integrate WhatsApp (WhatsApp Business)?

See WhatsApp integration manual 👉 here. There are some integration related specifics, which require additional control of its functionality. See below 👇

Working principles:

Stable integration tips:

  • Use Android/iOS smartphone for integration

  • Smartphone have to charge constantly

  • Smartphone must have stable Internet (3G/Wi-Fi) connection

  • Disable "Low Power Mode"

  • Add WhatsApp application to exceptions of "Low Power Mode"

How to disable "Low Power Mode" on a smartphone (Android/iOS)?


Android OS

Settings > Low Power Mode

Settings > Device Maintenance > Battery > Off

Our experience:

For WhatsApp integration we use:

  • Samsung A3 (2016)

  • iPhone 4s


These devices work stably. 5-6 disconnection episodes may happen during the day, but connection restores within 15-20 seconds automatically. We recommend using 3G connection (if it works stably in your location). The frequency of disconnection is much lower compared to Wi-Fi.


WhatsApp messages aren't delivered?

1. If you get the notification: “Connection with WhatsApp has been lost...”.

See below and 👉 click here.

2. If you don’t get the notification: “Connection with WhatsApp has been lost...” make sure you haven’t connected WhatsApp with Blinger account before.

Have you ever added WhatsApp channel to Blinger accout before?

Send a message from another WhatsApp account to check.

Blinger doesn’t support sending messages between WhatsApp accounts that are both connected to Blinger platform.

I don’t get messages from other accounts?

Please, contact Blinger Customer Support providing the e-mail address you used to sign up for Blinger and explain your issue in detail.

Get alert: “The connection with WhatsApp has been lost…”?

This alert warns about that the integration with a WhatsApp has been interrupted.

WhatsApp integration restores usual in 20-30 seconds automatically.

After this the notification “The connection with WhatsApp has been restored…” will pop-up.

If the connection is still lost then:

  1. Send a message from another WhatsApp account to the one connected to Blinger. If the connection is still lost (disconnection message keeps popping up) proceed with the next step.

  2. Open WhatsApp on the smartphone used for the integration and try to edit “Menu” settings to be sure the app works properly. If the connection is still lost (disconnection message keeps popping up) proceed with the next step.

  3. Log in to Blinger system through an admin-account, click “Apps” and delete WhatsApp channel. Open WhatsApp on the smartphone and click “Log out from all devices”. Follow the link 👉 “WhatsApp - step 4” to repeat WhatsApp integration.

If messages are still not getting delivered?

Please, contact Blinger Customer Support providing the e-mail address you used to sign up for Blinger and explain your issue in detail

Get “Error” notification when trying to delete WhatsApp integration?

Please, contact Blinger Customer Support providing the e-mail address you used to sign up for Blinger and explain your issue in detail.

Get “Error” notification when trying to add WhatsApp integration?

You used up the number of slots for adding social networks and messengers. Blinger provides you with 1 channel package by default. Learn more: https://blinger.io/pricing. Please contact Blinger Customer Support to increase the number of slots.

Nothing happens after QR-code scanning?

Please, contact Blinger Customer Support providing the e-mail address you used to sign up for Blinger and explain your issue in detail.

Blinger allows to connect only one WhatsApp number to one Blinger account.

QR-code doesn’t load?

Please, contact Blinger Customer Support providing the e-mail address you used to sign up for Blinger and explain your issue in detail.

What file formats does integration support?





The message sent from a customer: “ptt audio/ogg; codecs=opus” means that currently Blinger doesn’t support audio format files.

Soon we will increase the number of format files that will be able to send.

Is it possible to create one WhatsApp account on two smartphones (one without a SIM card)?

Sure. It’s a good solution when one smartphone is for integration and another one - for business.

Is it possible to fetch the messages that customers sent during disconnection?

Yes, it's possible.

Is it possible to initiate a dialogue with a customer?

Please, contact Blinger Customer Support providing the e-mail address you used to sign up for Blinger and explain your issue in detail.

Still have questions?

Please contact Blinger customer support

Last updated