Distribution by keywords

General information

The function allows to distribute new message requests automatically in specific operator groups, depending on the message request's context.


For example, distribution by keywords can be set up, if you need to distribute message requests based on:

  • message request's language

  • message request's theme (question, incident and etc.)

Mechanism of work:

  1. A new message request from a client appears in the tab "Unassigned"

  2. Within the defined time frame, Blinger.io expects other messages from the client (often the conversation can start from a message: "Hello!"). You can call the client to describe his question in detail by means of an autoresponse. (note: in that period operators can't assign the message requests to themselves).

  3. Keywords search is being performed.

  4. Depending on the keyword weight and group priority, Blinger.io decides, to which operator group to distribute the message request.

  5. The distribution cycle is repeated for each new message request from the client, if the previous message request was in the status "Closed" for more than the defined period of time in any of the groups.

Distribution logic:

  • If in the text of messages there were no keywords found, then the message request will be distributed in the primary operator group - Default.

  • If there were one or several keywords found in the text, which are connected to one operator group, then the message request will be distributed to that group.

  • If in the message text there were several keywords found, which correspond to various operator groups, then the message request will be distributed in the operator group, the keywords in which have the biggest sum of weights.

  • If in the text of the message requests there were several keywords found, which correspond to various operator groups and the sums of keyword weights are equal, then the message request will be distributed to the operator group, which has the highest priority.

If you have the function Assigning channel to a group or Autoresponder enabled, then before setting up the function distribution by keywords, you should disable assigning channels.

Step 1. Define the keywords

Highlighting of the keywords, which are frequently used by the clients at the beginning of the message request, helps Blinger.io to detect the context of the message request. Based on the contents a decision is made to which group to distribute the message request.

The sequence of the actions is as follows:

1. For starters you should put together a list of the keywords, which are being used by the clients and which help on the conscious level to define the general line of the message request

To put together the keywords list you can analyze phone calls and correspondence (email, chats, social networks and etc.)

2. Specify in the keywords the root and/or the suffixes, because Blinger.io can't ignore the endings

3. Open tab "Operators"> "Groups">"Groups assign"

4. In the field "Mask" enter one keyword

You must follow the entry format for the keyword: /[keyword]/gi

where [keyword] - the defined keyword value

5. In the field "Test text" you can perform a check of specific entry, by writing some phrase with that keyword. For example, the keyword "buy", the test sentence "I want to buy a car"

6. Assign weight (point) to the keyword, The weight defines the extent to which presence of this keyword will be decisive for distribution in a specific group

7. (optional) add a comment to the keyword, for example, "purchase"

8. Specify in which operator group to distribute the message request, if the keyword will be found in messages of the client and/or its weight will exceed the weight of other keywords, associated with other groups

Step 2. Define the priority for groups

Priority for groups is enabled (additional step for decision making), when the sum of weights of the keywords from one operator group is equal to the sum of weights of keywords from another group.

To set up prioritization, you must navigate to "Groups" in "Operators" tab

and click on "Refresh"

The lower the value, the lower the priority for distribution

Step 3. Set up distribution timing

Distribution timing is responsible for settings of:

  • autresponder content (to obtain additional information from the client)

  • time, within which Blinger.io will be expecting other messages from the client

  • limit of of the amount of words in all mesages

  • time, during which the distributed message request must remain in the status "Closed", to repeat the distribution cycle again.

To set up timing, you must navigate to "Auto assign messages" tab of "Settings" section

and specify the parameters of the function:

  1. click on "Enabled"

  2. fill in with any content the filed "Auto answer"

  3. define a limit of the words in messages from a client at the beginning of message request, exceeding which will enable the distribution at once in the field "Min words count"

  4. define the value of the time frame, within which Blinger.io will be waiting for other messages from the client, if the limit in "Min words count" is not exceeded , in the field "Wait minutes"

  5. define in the field "Close hours" the time frame, within which the distributed message request must stay in status "Closed", to repeat the distribution cycle in case of a new message request from a client

then click on "Save".

Last updated

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