Quick launch

General information

This is a manual that helps you to configure Blinger.io and start working with it.

First you need to decide what channels (social networks, instant messengers, email) you plan to add. The geography of messaging apps' popularity is presented below:

Blinger.io provide you to work in 3 different ways:

depending on this, there are 3 options for “quick starts”

Using Blinger.io interface

Follow these steps to configure Blinger.io:

  1. Add the channels to the "Applications" tab (manual)

  2. Add operators (manual)

  3. Place the widget on your website (manual)

  4. Set up an autoresponder (manual)

You can get to work!

Before starting work, we suggest you look at the following manuals:

(links is clickable)

Work through integration

Follow these steps to configure Blinger.io:

  1. Add the channels to the "Applications" tab (manual)

  2. Integrate with one of the helpdesk/CRM solutions (manual)

  3. Place the widget on your site (manual)

You can get to work!

Check how you can integrate Blinger.io widgets and:

(links is clickable)

Using Blinger.io API

Follow these steps to configure Blinger.io:

  1. Add the channels to the "Applications" tab (manual)

  2. Get the Blinger.io Token API from Support

  3. Integrate with a third-party solution using the API methods from the documentation (manual)

  4. Place the widget on your site (manual)

Use Webhooks for incoming messages (from clients), and for outgoing messages (from operators) you need to use "Send message" method

Last updated