Manage roles

General information

it is possible to expand its roles for each "Operator" account. You can configure the role and then assign it to the operator in the “Operators” tab in the “Role management” field.

Initially, the super-admin can make all the settings

How to create a role?

To create a role you need to click on “Role management”

and in the new window click "Create Role"

write down any name of the created role, mark the permissions and click "Save"

Click here to get more details about role permissions.

How to assign the role?

To assign a role to a specific operator, you need to open the "Operators" tab and click "Roles"

in the window select the certain role from the list for the selected operator by clicking on "Assign Role"

To revoke a role (for example, you need to change the level of authority), click "Revoke role"

How to change the role?

To change the permissions in one of the roles, you must click "Role Management" in the "Operators" tab

click "Update" in the window

If you want to set a new role name, we recommend to delete the role and create a new one, and then assign this role to the operators.

Role permission details

Super-admin account has full access to settings

Last updated